Consulting Communities
Consultation with a wide range of stakeholders is a vital part of most projects. Sensitive engagement with local communities and user groups is essential to ensure they have a meaningful part in the process. This helps smooth the path of a project and achieve the right outcomes that will ensure a project’s long-term success in the community.
We understand how important this can be in securing planning permission and we have been involved in some very high profile public projects with sustained media scrutiny – for example Channel 4’s The Big Town Plan in Castleford.
We have considerable experience of building positive relationships with the range of organisations that require engagement, including community representatives, local interest/heritage groups, environmentalists, design review panels, funding agencies, planning officers, council members, other statutory authorities and consultees.
We have good working relationships with many local authorities around the country, such as: Historic England, the Heritage Lottery Fund, the Environment Agency, the Homes & Communities Agency, the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) and many others.